Science Behind what We do

At Trait Health, we believe in the power of technology, innovation, and personalized care. We are dedicated to helping you achieve your health goals by providing a comprehensive, affordable, and personalized healthcare program.

The Science and Art of Microbiomes

Your body is a bustling metropolis of microbiomes - complex communities of bacteria, viruses, and fungi that inhabit various parts of your body, including your mouth and gut. Recent scientific breakthroughs have shed light on the essential role these microbiomes play in our health.

  • PCR Method for Microbiome Analysis :

    Diving into both your oral and gut microbiomes, we employ the PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) method. This cutting-edge technology allows us to thoroughly examine the microbial communities in these areas.By harnessing PCR, we gain valuable insights into the composition and diversity of your oral and gut microbiomes, enabling us to tailor personalized health solutions based on this detailed information.

  • Comprehensive Health Analysis

    Our comprehensive battery of 125 tests explores your blood, oral microbiome, urine, and stool microbiome. By harnessing the power of these technological advancements, we generate a detailed report of your body's inner workings.Our proprietary Artificial Intelligence technology then sifts through this vast data, analyzing patterns and correlations to recommend a personalized dietary supplement plan, specifically designed to meet your body's unique nutritional needs.

Medicinal Supplement Plans

Our team of expert doctors and nutritional scientists use the information gathered through our testing to create a personalized supplement plan for you. This includes probiotics, prebiotics, symbiotics, minerals, and herbal supplements, all meticulously selected to optimize your health and well-being.

Operation and Delivery

To ensure a seamless experience, our phlebotomists visit you to collect samples. Post analysis, a smart report is generated, followed by a consultation arranged at your convenience. We ship the products straight to your door, making the entire process hassle-free